First Steps – #2

The plans are finally in place to begin regular posts on this website and Blog. A huge shout out to my “Magical Sparkly Unicorn Webmaster” Sherry Lippincott, who has been a precious ‘find’ in my discovery of new members of my ‘tribe’! Her skillset and knowledge are exactly what I needed to move this project forward, and her sense of humour, outlook and understanding of my limitations tell me we’ll be a great team! She has earned that special Unicorn moniker……I couldn’t think of a more special job title for her!!!! Thx Sherry!!!

I’m so grateful to have found her. She has been a blessing to me, in getting this up and running, and I’m so relieved I have her as safety net, going forward!

Time is marching on (hahaha), and I’ve just paid the final installment for my PEI residency at Dawdle Haven for July and August, and now feel I can truly make firm plans. Having missed 2 years (due to Covid and my illnesses), I KNOW my heart and health will be restored by my time there, this summer.

The image is one of the hundreds I took of a late PEI North Shore afternoon sky – hard to pick just one to post – you’ll probably see lots in the coming posts!

