Getting Ready for the Holidays! – #8

I’ve had a busy few days, getting out of the apt. daily, even in today’s rain. Working towards getting ready for the big trip to PEI, I’m taking short runs in the car, and even got to Kingston yesterday! Cost of gas is ridiculous – first time a fill up was over $60 in my little Honda!

It may not sound like a big deal, but having self isolated for the past 28 months (even before Covid hit the world), my excursions out have few and far between. I know I have to get my a$$ in gear … and get Madame Kiki used to travelling…we leave in about 10weeks!! I’ve been making her wear her harness daily, and I will get her out in the car soon…she HATES the harness!

I’m being a good Jewish girl and cleaning and prepping for Passover and Easter- conveniently the same weekend, so much of my food will cover both events! Since the brisket went sideways, I ordered a small turkey, so I’ll have something yummy to nosh on for a few days! Best ever leftovers! And I can feed a few others! A mitzvah!!!!!

I got all sorts of stuff moved out of the apt. this week – deliveries made, car emptied of all the crap I’ve been hoarding, waiting for the day I’d have the energy needed to deliver the stuff to their new homes.

I was rewarded at Sandy Pines, when Mr. T (not the gold chains one) puffed himself up, strutting his stuff, impressing the local pidgeon. I personally found him a bit intimidating, and not my type at all! Went back to the car to grab my phone for a pic, and was followed by Miss Pidgeon, who I think was hoping to come home with me. She was on the hood of my car, making eye contact … then hopped onto the roof… not even a backward glance at big old feather-butt!

My days continue to be good; I’m feeling stronger, brighter and it feels so good to accomplish some of the things that have needed attention for a long time.

Still fighting with CRA regarding my medical expenses for 2020; they’ve now backed down, but allowed only half of what I submitted on my 1st challenge. So I need to do more digging (oh i HAVE all the paperwork), and no point in doing 2021 til this is fixed; I have no idea if I can get an extension. There always seems to be a challenge or fight I have to be in…and its exhausting on top of being chronically ill.

All in all, I’m still moving forward, and the plans for PEI help keep me focussed.

It’s all good. 💙💙💙

Not happy about the harness…AND its upside down!

Mr T all fluffed up!

Miss Pidgeon – avoiding her Romeo???
The Seder plate is my maternal grandmother’s
