#20 – A Fresh Start (again!)

Another few months have gone by since my last blog post, and I’m determined to keep it going this time!

Poor health (physical and emotional) has kept me on the sidelines for way too long. Now, after having major surgery, continuing with therapy (in many forms), and the promise of Spring, I feel positive and energized to keep this Blog alive and well, with lots of content that hopefully will entertain and even inspire my readers.

I’ve had lots of time to think about what i want to say here, and who I want to say it to. Most importantly is for my own self – a safe place to dump all the thoughts, feelings, complaints and other collection of tidbits that gather in my head. My version of MY journal that can hold words and images, hopes and prayers. 😊🙏

I’m so much closer now, to being the person i know I can become (and am intended to be), and I do believe I’ve gained some knowledge and insight that might be helpful to others. That’s what I’ve been told, anyway, and that’s what encourages me to keep this blog going.

There’s going to be writing, art, photos and a lot of God in my posts, and I’m excited to be in a headspace where I can fulfill my need to document it all in a place other than Facebook!

A huge shoutout to my sparkly unicorn webmaster who has once again helped raise the blog from the ashes. You rock, Sherry – thx for being there to pick up the dropped threads!

Hoping to gather some like minded readers along this journey – I’d love to receive feedback and input from you! Please share with me if you find any resonance with my posts.

Much love and good joojoo being sent out to you all!


3 thoughts on “#20 – A Fresh Start (again!)

  1. Sherry Lippincott

    You are so welcome, Shelley! I truly enjoy being your sparkly unicorn webmaster. Congratulations on your persistence and resilience – it is inspiring. I myself try to remember that it doesn’t matter how many times you fall down, what counts is that you get back up again. 🙂

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