I haven’t posted since July – 3 months and also a lifetime ago. Tons of excuses why not, but basically, I just lost interest. It became too much of a struggle to log on, sign in, and try to find words for what my body and brain were experiencing. I finally gave up the fight, gave into the distractions around me, and enjoyed my sabbatical time in PEI. “Living in the moment”, and it was marvelous!!!!
The trip was intended to be one of healing for both body and mind, and it certainly achieved all that and much more.
It’s only because I’m being prompted ‘to renew it or lose it’ by my website host, that pushed me to come here today and write this quick entry. I’m not letting this sweet space die for lack of MY interest! So just a quick note and more of a test, to see if the program still works!
I’m such a muddled work in progress at the moment. A few steps forward, then backwards …the normal cha cha cha dance of normal living. Why it causes me to stumble so much, I’m not sure.
But I haven’t given up! I’m slowly gaining headway, and learning how to live a quiet, contented life in a crazy world – slaying dragons left and right.
I’ll close with one of the most profound memes I’ve seen recently on fb, and taken to heart:
Think about it! Spend your energy watering the things in your life that are bearing fruit, or at least the promise of that. Let the doors close on those things that sap your spirit and energy, but no longer serve you.
Lots more nuggets to share…I just need to get my writing act together!

I really like the quote|metaphor about watering dead plants. Great Reminder to focus and nurture what bears fruit in our lives not what is the past or constant struggle…. Why is it so hard or a struggle? And consider letting it go
Thx for the feedback! It means a lot! I never recognized til recently, how much energy and time I was spending watering dead flowers. Now, all my focus is on building my tribe…and and making safe, sacred relationships.